Jul 14, 2022
So Web3 is just the same old crypto bullshit
"Web3 is just the newest way of serving up the same old crypto bullshit, and it stinks just as badly as ever." Jemima Kelly, Financial...

Mar 28, 2022
In 1951 Mary Coombs Became The First Female Commercial Programmer
In 1951 in England Mary Coombs became the first female commercial programmer at J Lyons & Co the family owned teashop business that was...

Dec 17, 2021
Metaverses - SleepWalking Into Digital Dystopia?
The subtitle of my book 'The Programmer's Odyssey' is 'A Journey Through The Digital Age' but since the book's publication in 2016 the...

Feb 24, 2021
Programming Back In The Day, A Picture That Would Grace The Book
This is such a great picture of a commercial programmer working on her program design back in the day and if I had seen it when I...

Feb 24, 2021
Who writes open source software? Why? A Footnote To Page 116
I recently said I would summarize research into who contributes to open source software projects and why. I would have included such...